The conference takes place at the Museum of World Culture in Gothenburg, Sweden
Please note: Only participation through personal invitations
Kulturanalys Norden, on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers, is working for a coordination of culture statistics in the Nordic countries. As part of our ongoing activities, we invite to a Nordic conference on culture statistics in 2024.
Kulturanalys Norden is commissioned to function as a knowledge centre for cultural policy in the Nordic region with the objective to contribute to knowledge production and communication of research. Nordic collaboration in culture and joint cultural funding addresses the need for a knowledge-based foundation for policy development (Nordic Council of Ministers 2021). Here, culture and media statistics contribute to a common and relevant framework for the cultural cooperation.
Preliminary programme
Day 1
19th of September
12.00 – 13.00
Lunch (optional) at the Museum of World Culture
13.00 – 13.40
Welcome and opening of the conference
Presentation of Kulturanalys Norden and insights from the Nordic collaboration
13.40 – 14.10
Keynote: “Visualisations and communication of statistics”
Presentation by Vitor Miranda, Nordregio (responsible for the Nordic Statistic Database)
14.10 – 14.50
Keynote, digital: “Eurostat culture statistics: availability, dissemination and recent developments”
Presentation by Andrea Gallelli, Culture and Sport Statistics, Eurostat
14.50 – 15.20
Swedish fika
15.20 – 16.20
Panel: “How does AI change the means of production?
– From creative and artistic processes to new measures of statistics. “
Moderator: Stahl Stenslie, Artist, Curator and Researcher
Panel: Håkan Lidbo, Artist and Representative for AI-museum,
Thorbjörn Öström, Attorney and Intellectual property specialist,
Kristina Knaving, Senior Researcher RISE
16.20 – 16.30
End of Day 1
Day 2
20th of September
9.00 – 9.10
Introduction to Day 2
9.10 – 9.50
Ongoing statistical work in the Nordic countries:
Statistics Finland:” Cultural statistics: for humans or machines? Lessons learnt while automating data collection.”
Research Center for the Creative Industries in Iceland: ”Mapping cultural and creative industries”
9.50 – 10.20
Swedish fika
10.20 – 10.40
Ongoing statistical work in the Nordic countries:
Statistics Danmark: “Statistics on artists”
10.45 – 11.45
Parallel workshops on statistical collaborations/harmonised standards
11.45 – 12.00
Words for the future – Kulturanalys Norden
12.00 – 13.00
Lunch (optional) at the Museum of World Culture
13.00 –
Guided tour at the Museum of World Culture (optional)